June 2, 2019

© Brian Graham


Is it time?
Let's see
I'll test it
I sit, still I sit, I sit still

I mistime it
I'm listless
I'm little
I'm little listless me.
I sit, still I sit, I sit still.

I sit, still I sit, I sit still
I settle
'til I see time's memes
'til I see time's mists
'til time sees me.
I sit, still I sit, I sit still.

I sit, still I sit, I sit still
'til time lets me see
lets me see it is timeless
lets me see it is limitless
lets me see timeless limitless me
I sit, still I sit, I sit still.

I sit, still I sit, I sit still
'til I see time's smiles
'til time's smiles see me.
'Til I emit time's smiles
'til time's smiles emit me.
I sit, still I sit, I sit still.

Let's meet!
Let's settle
Let's sit
Let's sit still
I'll smile

Let's see!

Note: This poem uses only the letters in the title: T, I, M, E, L, S