June 3, 2019

© Steven Pritchard

Eventually I will Get Around to You

Eventually ... I will get around to you
Your ever present presence
Your gradual effervescence
That keeps you just about...there
I sense you are always somewhere
Like a pane of glass, so hard to see
Perhaps, because you are right in front of me
So close that I always look right through you, without ever consciously realising it
But if you were gone, cracked, or smashed
The cold winds of a new reality would blow in
Buffeted, battered, my haughty demeanour shattered
My life in a tailspin
And I would shudder and shiver and cower and grown at your mortal loss
For all you have given, and given, and given to me; without ever counting the cost
What will it take?  To take you... seriously
Seriously ... I always take you; for granted
Defined by your absence
Fuelled by my doubt
Doing what I can, to drag it all out
Eventually ...I'll get around to you