On Average, It's OK
Sudden, quite out of the blue,
Unbudgetted emotional wealth –
Is just a short-term benefit,
- and no great harm to my health.
So when it all evaporates,
and I recover after the fall...
And everything’s normal again,
- it’s no great loss after all!
Oh - impossible to measure the heights of the highs.
- unreasonable to remember the depth of the lows...
So - I’ll look at it all in the long run,
On average it all cancels out.
I’m back on the ground and quite normal.
There is no shadow of doubt.
No problem!
An interesting interlude.
Good fun while it lasted.
Easy come, easy go.
So, let’s get on with life!
Dig out old Projects and Jobs to be done -
Letters to write and Repairs to be made:
- my damaged chair,
- that splintered dream,
- those shattered hopes,
- this broken heart?