Boris’ Britain
No picaninnies at the door
Or letterboxes in the street.
No WOKE or cancel culture here
Bluster, guffaw, it’s just a joke.
As Boris charms the British.
Escape the unelected rulers,
Brussels bullying the best of British.
Finance our beloved nurses,
Independent global nation
Boris’ plan for Britain.
All grants intact, that HS2,
De-centralise and build the north
The garden bridge, no third runway
Let’s bodge a bridge to Ireland.
Boris builds for Britain.
They’re so unfair, the world has changed.
It’s not our fault, we weren’t to know.
May and Camron were at fault
For PPE and rising deaths
Boris begs for Britain.
Empty shelve and dried up pumps
A big tax rise to fund our health.
My mother falls and waits six hours,
Six long hours on hallway floor,
For transport to the hospital,
Then gurney wait in fear and fright
With stressed and over working doctors.
This is not why people voted.
This is not how people hoped.
This is not what Alexander Johnson
Promised for the weak and weary
As the rich and pampered donors
Skim the cream from all our income.
This, my friends, is what we’re left with
This is Boris’ bloody Britain.