Some of the poems on the site have an audio capsule so you can hear the writers reading their poems. If you would like to upload an audio poem, please send the text file and the audio file to New poems are welcome, as are audio recordings of existing poems.
The website does not support complex layouts and text effects. Normal indents and inline double spaces are ok as are italics where required.
Making a sound recording
For a simple voice recording, all you need is a mobile phone or a laptop. They all have a built-in sound recording app. It will have a name like Sound Recorder, Voice Recorder or simply Recorder.
If it offers you a choice of recording formats, choose mp3. If
it doesn't offer, don't worry.
A laptop lets you display the poem on the screen while recording which
is handy. But some laptops have a noisy fan inside which can spoil the
If the laptop mic is above the screen by the camera, that's good. If
it is inside the case under the mousepad, it's not so good. Better in that case
to use your phone.
Usually the default settings are fine for a simple voice recording so that all you need to do is Start Recording - Read the poem - Stop recording. Easy!
A few quality tips that really help
The room should be quiet.
No background music or effects, please!
Soft furnishings and carpets help. A bedroom is often the best choice.
Sit in the middle of the room, away from walls and corners.
If using a table, place a soft cover on it.
The ideal recording distance is around 18 inches.
If using a hand-held phone, keep your hand still while recording.
Try to start speaking about 1 second after Start Recording
Stop Recording about 3 seconds after finishing speaking.
Use a normal speaking voice, neither a whisper nor a proclamation.
Let's standardise on this:
Read the TITLE first then the POEM.
No need for your name, dates, publication details etc as these are all
displayed on the webpage.
Hope that helps. I will try to process your offerings within a few days of receiving them. This can be an ongoing procedure. There's no pressure, no cut-off date. Have fun!